Refer to the website for more details and specific cases. This generated code has to be linked with OpenSSL libcrypto (either statically or dynamically) Receipt Identifier : 10biiFinancialCalculator Bundle Identifier : 10biiFinancialCalculator This code was generated by RECEIGEN 4.0.4 on 15:54:01 and will use: This is the header from my receigen generated code: //
I used the Receigen Code Assistant to generate validation code (it generates receipt validation code and randomizes as much as it can so you can't just easily crack every app that uses receigen). When I try to test the receipts locally, it pops up the App Store login, I enter my email+password, and then I get the 'app is damaged' message. I haven't made an update to this app for a year or so and submitted a change but it was rejected because the receipt validation wasn't working. This has worked beautifully for several years, but something has changed. I'm using Receigen ( ) to do receipt validation for one of my MacOS apps.